Our Work & Intended Impact

Through our advocacy and legislative work, MC4SC will contribute to the improvement of math & reading proficiency scores (YoY) by 25% in school districts where the median house income level is less than the state median (the 2023 state HH median income in was $68,610 USD) through. We achieve this by forming strong partnership between parents and legislators that result in:

  1. Elimination of ad hoc, unproven, theoretical instructional models at the district level that have left the masses of our children (especially those from working class and minority families) functionally illiterate;
  2. Legislation that allows per pupil allocation to follow the student to the school of the parent’s choice, whether the school be a DOE-managed, Charter, Private or Home school;
  3. Implementation of developmentally sound education educational models and instructional method in district and non-district run choice schools,
  4. Requiring all K-5th grade teacher to be trained in teaching phonics and developmental methodologies like Adaptive Behavioral Analysis (ABA);
  5. Stronger accountability for how tax payer dollars are being spent
  6. Streamlining of top-heavy bureaucracy that reduces headcount 50% at the district office level through automation, so that savings can be shifted to increase the pay, number of teachers, staff directly involved in student instruction at the school level.


Moms of Color for School Choice (MC4SC) is a nonpartisan organization of mothers fighting to improve reading and math proficiency for working class children through the expansion of school choice on the local and state level


An education system that produces literate students and future global leaders and innovators.

Theory of Change

Implementing instructional models that improve reading and math proficiency statewide, through district and non-district schools.


Moms of Color for School Choice (501c3 pending) is a nonpartisan organization founded in June 2024 with the mission of making high quality education accessible to children from working and middle class through the expansion of state supported school choice scholarships. We are also calling on the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and the NC State Senate create policies and laws that 1/ eliminate neighborhood-based districting, 2/ reinstate effective standards of grade level promotion based on student proficiency, and 3/ allow per pupil DOE allocations to follow a student to any school selected by a parent or guardian.

Wealthy families with HH incomes of $120K+ have more school choice than less affluent ones because they can 1/segregate themselves by moving to wealthier neighborhoods with better schools and higher percentages of family with two parent households (across races). These areas tend to attract and retain teachers who are more effective instructors. Wealthy family also have more expendable income than working class families, allowing them to pay for private schools or enroll their children at high performing charters that lack school bus service. The only educational options for children of most working-class families in NC is the local district school that often lacks student discipline, engaged and tenured teachers, and high instructional rigor. Expanding school choice to lower income parents gives them the same options as wealthy parents to obtain better instructional opportunities their children.